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  2. Category Definitions & Query Matrix

Query Matrix and Category Definitions

To help users understand the queries run by Haloo in our AI-powered search, please refer to the detailed Query Matrix found here. 

To help users analyze the findings in a Haloo search, we’ve developed our own categorization system to ensure that the results are consistent and easy to understand. Our sorting criteria is outlined below. Please note that these categories are grouped for your convenience and clarity, and do not represent a hierarchical ranking of legal risk.

Category Definitions 

The following categories are not indicative of legal relevance.

Exact Match (All Classes) 

Results with identical spelling to your searched trademark, across all existing Nice Classes. 

Near Exact Matches (Same Classes)

Results that are very similar to your search, either in spelling or phonetically, within the Classes you selected. 

Partial Match: Sound Alikes and Similar Phonetics (Same Classes)

Results that partially look and sound like your searched trademark, within the Classes you selected.

Partial Match: Similar Spelling (Same Classes)

Results that are a partial match with your searched trademark, within the Classes you selected.

Partial Match: Letter Combinations (Same Classes)

Exhaustive results with letter combinations that match a portion of your searched trademark,
within the Classes you selected. 

Near Exact (Co-ordinated and Unrelated Classes)

    Results that are very similar to your search, either in spelling or phonetically, from coordinated
    Nice Classes and unrelated Nice Classes that you did not select. This includes both active and
    inactivate marks.

    Translations (All Classes)

    Results from all Nice Classes that contain a translated version of your searched trademark. For
    marks in foreign languages, we search for the English translation. For marks in English, we search for translations in Spanish (USA) and French (Canada). This includes both active and inactive marks.

    Dilution (All Classes)

    Results containing a descriptive or generic word related to your search.

    Inactives (Same Class)

    Inactive trademark results from the Nice Classes you selected.