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Reading your results FAQ

We often get lots of questions about interpreting your search results! Find many of the answers here


How do I expand the sort buckets?
What does "stopped" mean?
Where are the mark IDs?

How do I expand the sort buckets?

Using the small drop down arrow on the far right hand side of the screen will expand the bucket and allow you access to all the marks within it.


What does "stopped" mean?

This is part of our risk analysis. We have 3 risk assessments that the algorithm can assign to your search:

  • Pass - means a clear trademark.
  • Pause - means the mark is a potentially clear trademark and indicates a 'Likelihood of Confusion' refusal at examination is possible
  • Stop - means active marks that are an exact match in the same Nice Class, with shared keywords

Where are the mark IDs?

Much like expanding the sort buckets you can expand each individual mark to get more information including the IDs and keywords associated with it.
