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Search parameters

How to set search parameters for your searches with Haloo

Select search parameters, using Nice Class parameters, Goods and Service parameters or Custom Keywords/Descriptors. Enter as many parameters as you like. Any word marks in your Project will run against these search parameters. These search parameters will be used to identify and highlight keywords within search results, and will be used by the AI to help prioritize marks with shared keywords above other marks. For maximum accuracy, we recommend selecting Nice Class parameters with each search.

If multiple departments are using Haloo within your organization (e.g. legal and marketing, creative and accounts, etc.), consider having a senior team member (e.g. legal or an account director) set up projects and search parameters so that others on your team can move straight to trademark searching.

Nice Class Search Parameters

Adding Nice Class search parameters allows you to refine your search by adding sub-classes to prioritize results for the sub-class, while also searching the entire Nice Class. This will prioritize results that contain keywords related to your trademark and sub-class, and display these marks higher in your search results. Selecting sub-classes also informs Haloo's AI-powered risk ranking. 
Nice Class

For maximum accuracy, we recommend selecting Nice Class parameters with each search. 

To add Nice Class search parameters, select a Nice Class from our drop down menu. If you're not sure what Nice Class applies to your search, head to the Goods and services tab first and use our guided tools to help you identify the proper Nice Class (see below). 

Once you choose a Nice Class, choose one or more sub-classes. Haloo has broken down each Nice class into several sub-classes so your search prioritizes marks that contain keywords related to your trademark and displays these marks higher in your search results. This is especially helpful for very broad classes, like Class 35 or Class 9, which contain many different goods and services, and cross many different industries. You can also choose to "Show Guidelines" in some sub-classes for further guidance on how to use the sub-class. 


If you do not choose a sub-class, keywords from all sub-classes of your Nice Class will be added to your search. 

All keywords are platform-generated and will be highlighted in your search results. Both the Nice Class will be highlighted, as well as the keywords in the goods and services description. Marks containing these keywords will appear higher in your search results than marks in the Nice Class that do not contain these keywords. 


Goods and Services Parameters

Goods and services parameters allow you to add specific goods and services to your search and properly classify your goods and service into the appropriate Nice Class.  We recommend using the Goods and Services parameters in two cases (and although not required, we recommend that you also include Nice Class parameters in each search): 

  1. To determine the appropriate Nice Class: Use the goods/services parameters to determine which Nice Classes are appropriate for your search. Haloo's intuitive AI will automatically classify your goods/services in the proper Nice Class. Once you understand the appropriate Nice Classes, we recommend also setting Nice Class search parameters in the Nice Class tab, as explained above. 
  2. To select approved goods and services IDs for your trademark application: Haloo's goods and services picker allows you to choose from both pre-approved goods and services IDs and non-approved IDs. This helps with trademark application drafting.  

To add Goods and Services search parameters, enter your search terms in the search box, by good, service, or keyword, and press the enter, or 'Quick add' your business type from the platform-generated recommendations to automatically add goods and services that relate to that business type. The results will either be: 

  1. Pre-approved goods and services descriptions/IDs from the USPTO’s ID Manual. These IDs will include the word "Approved" beside the Nice Class.
  2. Goods and services descriptions from recent registrations. These IDs will include the words "Not Approved" beside the Nice Class, and a yellow "Yield" icon. These descriptions are from recently approved trademark applications filed by reputable applicants and firms. These goods/services may be more novel and have not yet made it into the trademarks manual, but can act as a helpful indicator of IDs that the IPO has recently approved.

Goods and Services
We recommend using Goods and Services parameters in addition to Nice Class parameters when you will be using Haloo's guided application drafting tools, in order to take advantage of Haloo's guaranteed accuracy on goods and services.  

When you've added both, your parameters section will look something like this:


Custom ID Tab

Use the Custom ID tab to add specific goods and services within your selected class to your search.  We recommend using this when want to have precise focus within class.  

How to Use :

  • Select the Class of Interest
  • Enter as many single terms or phrases as you like
  • Separate each keyword/ phrase with a semi-colon
    • Example:  artificial intelligence; AI; AI software
  • Save your keywords using the disk icon, then click Add 
  • Once added, you will then see them in your Selected Search Parameters under Web CL Keywords 
