Searching word marks

Tips for getting the best results

How to run a Word mark search 

1. Choose your type of search and jurisdictions

Run either a Global Knockout Search (exact-match results across all 193 jurisdictions) or an instant comprehensive search for any word mark. An instant comprehensive search can be run in 5 jurisdictions concurrently. 

2. Choose your search parameters 

Select search parameters, using Nice Class parameters (recommended for maximum accuracy), Goods and Service parameters or Custom Keywords/Descriptors. Any word marks in your Project will run against these search parameters. These search parameters will be used to identify and highlight keywords within search results, and will be used by the AI to help prioritize marks with shared keywords above other marks. For maximum accuracy, we recommend selecting Nice Class parameters with each search. For a detailed explanation of how to select search parameters, click here.

4. Add your word marks in batches 

Click "+ New Search - Word Mark", and enter your word marks one by one, entering the distinctive trademark word(s). 

Word marks can be searched in batches of 10 marks at a time. You can add an unlimited number of word marks, in groups of 10, to any Project. 

Note that while added separately, you can search both word marks and design marks as part of the same Project. 

5. Alternative spellings

When entering word marks,  you have the option to enter 3 alternative spellings for each trademark. 

This is an optional feature.  

Haloo's powerful AI uses multiple deep legal algorithms to produce more comprehensive search results than any other instant search tool on the market, including phonetic equivalents, semantic variations, similar meanings, translations and more. You will get this deep data without using the alternative spelling option. 

Using the "Alternative Spellings" field to specify variations of your mark manually, however, can help to optimize and guide the AI in its search. In particular, we Alternative spellings are recommended for: 

    • Dictionary spellings of fanciful names (ie entering 'netflicks' for NETFLIX, or 'elevated creation' for ELEV8TED CRE8ION.) Adding different phonetic variations.
    • Splits of Compound Words (ie entering 'net flicks' for NETFLIX, 'you tube' for YouTube, or 'micro software' for Microsoft). Adding a space between words.
    • Translations (ie entering 'blue strawberry' for Blue Fraise). Include a complete translation to ensure that generic words and distinctive words are prioritized in translation, or you get the specific translation your mark is referencing. Canadian users should provide the French translation if their trademark is in English.
    • Accented Characters (ie entering 'ete' for ÉTÉ). Adding the characters without accents. 

6. Review your search results 

Here's where the magic happens. In 60 seconds, your dashboard will display a full list of the word marks you've searched alongside an AI-powered informational risk ranking of PASS, PAUSE or STOP, per jurisdiction.  This AI-powered risk ranking relates only to trademark conflicts from the federal trademark registries, not common law searches. For more details on Haloo's AI-powered informational risk rankings and what they mean, click here. 


Click on any mark to see comprehensive search results, which include IPO registry results, web common law and domain names, and business names (US and Canada).

Search results include each of the following tabs: 

  1. Summary Tab: The Summary tab acts as a quick "knockout" view of search results and includes:
    • For a Global Knockout search - results from the Exact match conflict bucket only, from all 193 searched jurisdictions.
    • For an instant comprehensive search: all results from the Exact and Near Exact conflict buckets in all searched jurisdictions.
  2. Jurisdiction Tabs: When running an instant comprehensive search, separate tabs for each jurisdiction will contain comprehensive search results for each corresponding jurisdiction. For US searches, your results will be further broken down with separate tabs for Federal trademarks, State trademarks, and Business Names. For Canadian searches, your results will be further broken down with separate tabs for Federal trademarks and business names.  
  3. Web Common Law & Domains

7. Understanding Conflict Buckets 

When you perform an instant comprehensive trademark search for a word mark with Haloo, Haloo's AI will organize search results into various buckets, as follows: 

  1. All Class - Exact
  2. Same Class - Near Exact
  3. Same Class - Proximate (Partial Match)
  4. Same Class - Proximate (Synonyms, Phonetics) 
  5. Same Class - Exhaustive
  6. Coordinated/Unrelated Class
  7. All Class - Translations
  8. All Class - Dilution
  9. Same Class - Inactives 

Haloo's AI applies various rules organize results into separate buckets and to prioritize results within each bucket. For example, results that contain keywords associated with the searched mark will be prioritized; marks that are active will be prioritized above inactive marks. Within each bucket, users may however choose to sort and rank conflicts in a different order based on legal analysis and risk assessment. 

For a detailed explanation of Haloo's conflict buckets, see this Knowledge Base article: Haloo's conflict buckets explained.

8. Understanding Keywords 

When Nice Class search parameters and sub-class functionality are used to set up a search, search results that contain the platform-identified keywords related to your Nice Class sub-class will be prioritized above other marks. 


A yellow highlight on the Nice Class indicates that keywords are present. 

When you expand search results, y0u will see keywords highlighted in yellow in the goods and services descriptions.
